epub |eng | 2019-11-05 | Author:Julia Ridgmont [Ridgmont, Julia]

Chapter Twelve “This is what you want, then?” Pastor Jefferies asked Garret and Melissa, looking from one to the other for confirmation. “Yes,” they said in unison. Garret inwardly smiled. ...
( Category: Historical May 7,2022 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-08-05 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

### Nettie sat by the window. The Texas heat billowed through the curtains, the discomfort heating her concerns. Reed said he cared for her. He said he loved her, but ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-10-03 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

### Amelia glanced out the store window. Justin was walking down the street with Spencer. Her heart melted just watching him. Why her parents were being so stubborn was beyond ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-04-29 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

### Lilly wiped her forehead and then scowled when she saw her flour-covered hand. She’d worked harder the past two weeks for Bessy than Hank had ever asked of her. ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-06-18 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

Chapter 8 Elizabeth left Bessy’s feeling sick to her stomach, and it wasn’t the food. She’d sat through an hour of grueling, tooth-pulling silence with intermittent awkward questions from the ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2016-01-13 | Author:Patricia PacJac Carroll [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

### Hannah helped Annie in the kitchen, thankful that she had something to do rather than sit in her room alone with her thoughts. “Hannah, are you sure you’re up ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
azw3 |eng | 2014-10-26 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

Chapter 9 Sarah sewed another button on the ragged shirt. At least she had work. Herman had been more than nice to her. Talking all the while about how since ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | | Author:Freda, Paula

CHAPTER NINE For weeks anxiety hung over Dismas' mind like a dark smothering mist. Finally the order came. Dismas joined Gestas and three other of his henchmen, and traveled with ...
( Category: Historical May 21,2017 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2014-05-20 | Author:Linda Ford

Chapter Eleven Cora accompanied her sisters to their shared bedroom to prepare for church. Pa had informed Wyatt that the Bells attended church every Sunday. He hadn’t come right out ...
( Category: Historical May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2017-05-01 | Author:Sherry Kyle [Kyle, Sherry]

Elena dabbed at her puffy eyes with a handkerchief. She’d been crying off and on ever since her pa told her the news. She missed Starlight. It was plain foolishness ...
( Category: Historical May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2015-09-19 | Author:Patricia PacJac Carroll [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

Chapter 8 Chase woke early, shoved Matt’s foot from his face, and climbed over Tom. They’d let Big John and Grandfather have the other two beds. Trying not to be ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-02-03 | Author:Carroll, Patricia PacJac [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

Chapter 7 Prudence put the boy in bed and threatened him with a thrashing if he so much as moved. Apparently not used to her tone of voice, Percy nodded ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2017-05-20 | Author:Noelle Marchand

Chapter Eleven How Caroline ended up seated alongside David McKay in a buggy headed to some little town called Oakalla was still something of a mystery to her. It had ...
( Category: Historical May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2015-11-11 | Author:Patricia PacJac Carroll [Carroll, Patricia PacJac]

Chapter 8 Matt hated Tom. Hated him. How could he do such a lowdown thing? He should have never let Tom go to town. If he’d stopped him, Maggie would ...
( Category: Westerns May 21,2017 )
epub |eng | 2017-05-08 | Author:Melanie Dobson [Dobson, Melanie]

CHAPTER 30 _____ They found the abandoned flour mill where the River Ouse flattened and drifted between curtains of reeds along its banks. On the other side of the river, ...
( Category: Historical March 27,2017 )